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Yucatan News: Travel & Mushrooms

Yucatan News: Travel & Mushrooms

1 July 2014 News 1

Power of Travel: Kids Will Change the World

Well, our generation certainly made a fine mess of things, didn’t we? …and our children struggle with trying to fix it while still having it all. But our grandchildren… now that’s a generation to watch! Learning AFAR provides scholarships to cover the cost of international trips by low-income teens to low income villages in places like Peru. The Learning AFAR Foundation is supported by the same folks who publish the Learning AFAR magazine. This year’s students will travel to China, Costa Rica and Mexico. Last year, a group came to Yucatan. The more contact Yucatan’s quite politically-minded children are able to have with children from other parts of the world, the quicker they can solve problems and move on toward a better future for everyone. Note: If you work in the travel industry, check out Learning AFAR magazine for great tours and advertising ideas. Read more about the Power of Travel for low income students too.

Puerto Progreso Is Growing!

Progreso is one of only four ports in Mexico that recorded growth over the past year. Of the other three, two are on the Gulf of Mexico side of the country (Altamira, Tamaulipas, and Veracruz), and only one is on the west coast (Manzanillo, Colima). The future of the Port of Progreso is brighter than ever before and this means so much to so many people on the coast, as well as inland. New jobs and economic security are in the air and everyone is looking forward to a brighter tomorrow.

41st Convention of Animal Production and Food Safety at UADY

With 500 participants attending, members of the biological and agricultural communities from Mexico, the U.S., Brazil, and the U.K. will be meeting to assess what can be done to ensure that every nation is able to guarantee its food sovereignty. All agree that, in the past, new innovations and technology had a difficult time making their way down to the level of local agriculture. That situation is now being remedied by new associations between governments, researchers, and farmers themselves. The problem of world hunger may not be solved today. But with the dedication of researchers, farmers and ranchers, the day that hunger exists no more is surely on its way.

Wisecracker Design re-imagines The Hyatt Regency in Merida Mexico

Even with tight budgets and deadlines, lead designers and co-owners of Wisecracker Design, Jim Neeley and David Dow, pulled off one of the most elegantly comfortable hotel designs we have seen in a long time. This relatively small design company is based in Petaluma, California. They also own Casa Pocito here in Merida, Yucatan. Their work can be seen now throughout the U.S., Italy, Sweden, Mexico, Japan, China, and even in Dubai. We hope all of the expats go by to see this now completed project, and that visitors try it out. Great work deserves support and this project turned out to be wonderful. For your enjoyment and inspiration, here are a few more photos.

Yucatan Looks at Mushroom Farming

Representatives from Yucatan have traveled to Colusa, CA, to look at Premier Mushroom’s very successful Dutch-style mushroom farm. It looks as if these mushrooms are grown in trays, off the ground, under controlled lighting and in only a very shallow soil-bed. This kind of operation would be perfect for Yucatan, and similar to the way they currently grow habaneros. There is a national initiative on in Mexico to support entrepreneurs who are looking into alternative crops. With even a little bit of hard work and luck, Yucatan will soon be on its way to becoming one of the world’s leaders in mushroom farming.

Peto! Is That You?

We’ve all heard it… “Deep in the mysterious jungles of Yucatan…” Okay, how about this? New potable water system, new roads, remodeled schools, and remodeled health center and laboratory... this does not sound like it is deep in any jungle. And it certainly does not sound like the Peto those old books and articles used to describe. Lest anyone think that Peto has just now, somehow, risen from the midst of the jungle, such is not the case. These steps forward have been going on at least since 1982. Remember, Peto is the home of XEPET, the radio voice of the Maya. So, our congratulations go out to Peto and to all of the expats and visitors who decide to take a little trip to see the new and improved Municipality of Peto.

Why One Dad / One Kid Chose the Yucatan Peninsula

One of the most common questions we get concerns the quality of life that expat children can expect in Mexico. This week, Talon Windwalker has published his reasons for bringing his son, Tigger, to live on the Yucatan Peninsula. While we appreciate all of the coast, travel and opportunity factors, it is important to note that, in the end, Tigger himself chose the Yucatan Peninsula over Europe! Brilliant child! Welcome to “the Yucatan” to both Talon and Tigger. You can read Talon’s reasons for his choice on “Why Mexico, especially the Yucatan?

Marsha Ramirez Martinez Going to Miss Grand International Mexico 2014

In 2012, This young lady won the title of Nuestra Belleza Yucatan. Shortly thereafter, as host of 'Calle 60, Gala TV Merida', she quickly became a television favorite. Now, she will represent Yucatan in Miss Grand International Mexico 2014. When interviewed and asked her main motivations for seeking these titles, she noted that the beauty contests and television show have opened doors for her to participate more fully in her desire to do good work in her community. We thought that was a very special insight from one so young. All too often, the beauty is the goal, rather than the good that can come from newly-opened doors. Yucatan could not have chosen a better representative to the Miss Grand International Mexico 2014 than Marsha Ramirez Martinez.

Fashion News: Yucatan Theme at Club Monaco

Isn’t it wonderful to live in a place that has international fashion houses singing the praises of your area’s style? This week, Club Monaco’s Beach Boutique features Destination: The Yucatan. They started out in Tulum, but soon managed to find their way to Valladolid, with fashions for both men and women. Do visit their Explore Valladolid page because they’re having an Instagram contest with prizes that include free vacations to Tulum. We still think its wonderful to live in a place that is known, the world over, for its style!

Merida English Library Has a New Website

The Merida English Library has announced a new website, donated by Eclectech (James and Ellen Fields), the same people that bring you Yucatan Living. The new website is Wordpress-based and will be updated regularly through blog posts. In addition, the information on the new website is more comprehensive, more up-to-date and easier to use. We hope you will visit the site and read all the latest MEL announcements, including the new summer hours and the job opening for the MEL Administrator.


  • Mary Lou Martin 11 years ago

    Congratulations on the new website for MEL. And kudos to you for your thoughtful donation.

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