Yucatan Classified Advertising
For the longest time, we would gaze longingly at the vibrant online community created by craigslist in our hometown in California, as well as in thousands of other people's hometowns around the world. There was a Mexico City craigslist, but we weren't going to go to Mexico City to pick up a used CD rack, so what good was it? We even wrote to craigslist extolling the virtues of the Yucatan and why it should be on their list.
Then, about a month ago, poof! Craigslist/yucatan showed up on the scene. Craigslist/yucatan offers all the now-familiar listings of jobs, personal ads, housing and things for sale, as well as an entree into the forums. This local craigslist already has quite a few offerings in real estate and personal ads. The forums on craigslist/yucatan are not just Yucatan related, however, and because of that, are of limited value to us. Of course, the Yucatan is well covered by forums on the internet, including CancunCare, My Isla Mujeres, Playa.info and many more almost too numerous to mention. Well, we guess they *are* too numerous to mention because we don't have the time to mention all of them here.
Then, about a week or two ago, while we were on our Christmas break, a promising newcomer popped up: Yolisto.com was created by our good friend Malcolm Bedell and certainly gets our vote for the most original name. Yolisto is original, charming and oh-so-easy to remember. And it cleverly combines the general idea of Estoy listo! (I'm ready) with the English word "list" for listings. Brilliant!
Yolisto.com will be specifically for those of us who speak English and have moved to Mexico. The listings are conveniently divided by city (look to the list on the right side of the page), which will make finding a house to rent in the city of your choice a lot easier. We say "will" because the website is just getting started (it is so hip it's still "in beta") and it is up to us (yes, you too!) to use it. You just moved here and you are looking for a used washer and dryer? Maybe you need a place to rent? Or a girlfriend? Well, get to it. Yolisto!
Adele Theron 6 years ago
Beautiful Bernese mountain dog puppies with great pedigree and temperament available and ready
to go. we'll be delighted to answer any queries you might have. Don't hesitate to contact us if
interested. adeletheron3@gmail.com
robyn 12 years ago
I am looking for a small electric lawn mower. Does anyone know where to purchase one in merida?
Working Gringos 12 years ago
The YoListo website DOES exist. It was hacked seriously last night and we are working on bringing it back up. Thanks for your patience!!
Ex Pat 12 years ago
This web site does not exist anymore!
Aline Libassi 17 years ago
I was thrilled to find this site. My husband and I are planning to begin building our house in Coba, about 6 minutes outside of Tulum in the winter of 09. I would like to acquaint myself with all that is available in the area. I will be interested in working with students who wish to learn English, French or Italian as I am presently teaching high school here in Ct. I am also thinking about doing tours for American and European visitors. If anyone has similar experiences please write!
Building Community with the New Yolisto : Dropped In 17 years ago
[...] of the Yucatan. The initial response was quite positive, earning us a few posts and even a shoutout on Yucatan Living. The site worked well, and people seemed happy to have the ability to buy, sell, and swap their [...]
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