El Pez Gordo
Type: Seafood
Neighborhood: Prolongacion Montejo
Address: Inside Plaza Mayor, next to Carl's Juniors.
How to Get There from the Centro: Go north on Paseo do Montejo, continue past the Burger King Circle. You'll see Carl's Jr on your right... Pez Gordo is behind it in the strip mall.
Parking: Yes
AirConditioned: Yes
Outdoors: Yes
Drinks: Soft Drinks and Bar
Hours: Monday- Sunday from 9:00 am to 6:00pm
Facebook: http://es-la.facebook.com/pages/El-Pez-Gordo/160628397321307?v=info
Notes: The Chef is Vanesa Sosa Soberanis. Our friends Julia and Janice recommend the frog's legs for starters, shrimp-stuffed calamari, shrimp and chorizo tacos... and the ice cold beer :-). Our friend Maru says its the best new restaurant in Merida (March 2011). We have had lots of good reports about this restaurant... hope to try it ourselves soon!
Working Gringos 13 years ago
We are not aware of any health inspections in Mexico.
Brenda Thornton 13 years ago
I understand that Mario works at El Pez, but in our microbacteriology and public health nursing classes, the situation he explains as to how they handle their sauces, check the squeeze bottles, and check them with the sniff routine is VERY UNSAFE. Sauces often are the main culprits in situations such as that, but if several people have become quite ill after eating there, even requiring hospitalization, I would avoid the place like the plague.
It may be beautiful, but health standards need to prevail, and testing for flavor changes and smells as a monitor on the sauces just makes me wonder what other things are slipping through. Do they have health inspections and listing one can check to see if the dining facility has been inspected and whether it scored appropriately?
Mario Villegas Iñigo 13 years ago
Well, last comment really look as "kiss of death", and it's not founded. It might be if person who write it works at El Pez Gordo, but they do not. I work at this amazing place, and know how we use the sauces and we refill them. We change the sauces 3 times at week, and clean carefully the "squeeze bottle", we check all day and night the bottles and look for bad flavors and rotten smells. We know about importance of keeping well the sauces, the healthy of our food i can say is UNBELIEVABLE the quality controls we have are the best ones. I'm proud of work at this beautiful place, and must important, proud to confirm the health of our food process. Thanks :)
Evalynne Engle 14 years ago
I have eaten here & enjoyed it --- good food. BUT they leave their sauces out all day in 'squeeze bottle' containers. I know of several people who have gotten very ill with salmonella food poisoning --- the one thing they have had in common is that they all ate at Pez Gordo. Having owned a restaurant, I know that a comment like this is the 'kiss of death' ---- but I would caution patrons of El Pez Gordo to pass on the sauces.
The friend of mine who was actually in the hospital after eating here has asked her doctor to report the situation.
Genny Moguel (Peregrina) 14 years ago
I can't wait to go and give it a try, thanks for sharing.
Stephen Hushlizard O'Curran 14 years ago
I'm heading straight to El PEZ GORDO !, My friend and I are looking forward to escaping to Merida to fulfill in mucho needed Sun & Warmth which is very late coming to the NW Oregon State !
I'll be looking around to see what the renting game is like for i'll be moving down to Merida Mexico very soon in retirement ! EXPATE ' yea ! I'm a artist that has intensions on opening my art studio by where i live. I can't hardly wait to dig in to some of that wonderful Sea Food ! Burry my feet in warm sand see the blue ocean and plan the rest of my life..... I'll be in my Heaven ! Hoping to see all New Friends very soon.
Please send all ideas of rentals to my email address ocurran60@hotmail.com !
Love To All ! Another EXPATE' Is Coming Down To the Town & Beach ! "Hushlizard "
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