Ian Arthur
YL: When did you move to the Yucatan and where did you move from and why did you move?
Ian: Hey, no fair. That's three questions!
I moved from Los Angeles 1:40 am on October 3rd, 2006, A day that will live in infamy... Oh that's been said already. If you happened to be at LAX around then, I was the one who was walking around hugging everybody with a smile on my face so big that I'm sure the sun came up a little earlier that morning.
There are so many reasons for moving, however, I think timing had a lot to do with it. After running a business for twenty-four years, I was completely burned out. LA had been good to me but increasing traffic, crime and the cost of living were making me very unsettled. Couple that with my disgust and embarrassment with our beloved George W. It was truly time for a change.
I had been aware that there might be "life after LA" for a couple of years so I was open to the possibility of relocating. Then one sunny day in April the universe smiled on me by delivering to my e-mail an article on Mérida in the New York Times travel section, and as they say... the rest is history.
YL: Why did you choose the city you now live in over other places in the world?
Ian: The New York Times article spoke so highly of Mérida in every way possible that I felt a closer look was required. It seemed like Mérida was the polar opposite of LA. Affordable, safe, friendly, great health care, Costco...
I've always been drawn to Latin countries and values so this seemed like a natural path to follow.
YL: What do you plan to do after you move here?
Ian: Many years ago my father gave me two sound pieces of advice. "Don't marry
for money but marry where money is" and "Don't be self employed, take a paycheck and let someone else worry about the overhead". Of course I listened to neither.
In true fashion I continue to ignore that sound advice. I bought two properties in Mérida, one to live in and one to rent out as income property. So I continue to be self-employed though in a much smaller way.
Incidentally regarding my father's other gem of good advice… I have been the breadwinner in every relationship that I've had. So if you are interested in breaking this sad and tragic pattern please don't hesitate to get in touch. Soy muy disponible.
YL: Are you doing now what you intended to do when you moved here?
Ian: I guess so. I will not take possession of my income property until after the new year so I'm taking this time to decompress from LA, settle in, explore, forge relationships and soak in the slower pace that I have been craving.
YL: Did you buy a house right away or rent first? Do you think you made the right decision?
Ian: The New York Times article that beckoned me also mentioned Keith and David
from Los Dos Cooking School. It turned out that we have a mutual friend in LA so after several introductory emails, Keith (realtor extaordinaire and wearer of many other hats in the community) and I set to work. I flew down in May and bought two houses.
Whether this is the right decision or not only time will tell, however I haven't felt this relaxed , unburdened and at peace in many a moon. I think it'll prove to be not only the right decision but one of the most important in my life.
YL: Now that you live here, how do you like it?
Ian: I love it. Starting fresh feels really good, however a lot of people who move here come with their significant others. For those of us who come alone I think it might be a little tougher. I feel like there is such a community spirit here that it shouldn't take too long to make friends though. Already everyone that I have met has been very friendly and welcoming. Every day brings something new.
YL: Would you ever return to your former location?
Ian: Never say never but I have no plans as of now.
YL: What are the most striking differences between living here versus living where you lived before?
Ian: There are so many differences but some of the striking ones are:
1) After researching endlessly on the internet before moving here the ONLY issue that came up consistently as being a drawback was the heat and humidity. It's true! It can be a little torturous but it's a small price to pay.
2) The smell at certain areas in the food market. Oy! Wide berth required…
3) Having mentioned the smell in the market! There is also a distinct lack of smells that you associate with a city. It feels fresh and clean in comparison.
YL: What do you love about living here?
Ian: My goodness, there are so many things to love.
There is a gentleness that permeates everything here. People are considerate and delightful. There's a simplicity about them. Locals and ex-pats (or as I affectionately call them "The displaced and unwashed") alike seem genuinely interested in each other’s well being.
I love the architecture and the culture.
Most of all… this is a little odd as it has NOTHING to do with anything Yucatecan… The VIP room at Gran Plaza.
YL: What do you miss from your "former life"?
Ian: Great big healthy crunchy fresh California salads.
YL: If you are working or own a business, what is it like owning and running a business here or working here?
Ian: I haven’t actually started yet but no ridiculous broken bogus systems to deal
with like workers comp sounds pretty great.
YL: Do you have to do more than one thing to make a living?
Ian: Thankfully I will be able to survive on rental income. Not having an enormous mortgage payment every month and insane property taxes will make life just a little lighter here in sunny Mérida.
YL: Do you work as much as you used to "back home" or are your work habits
different here?
Ian: Pretty much all of my habits are different here. I'm in semi-retirement
mode so I'm less stressed.
YL: How is Merida different for residents than it is for tourists?
Ian: Hmmm, good question. Since I'm fair skinned with light hair, locals still treat me like a tourist. I try and avoid shorts in public to try and blend in but inevitably someone wants to sell me a hammock wherever I go!
I also think that a lot of the tourists can't see "beyond the facades" and are a little put off - especially at first. Residents know better and have an air of insider information about them, if that makes sense?
YL: How is your Spanish?
Ian: I speak Portuguese pretty well so this is like taking the next step. More often than not I'm all confused as there are many similar words but the pronunciation is very different. I plan to get a teacher very soon.
YL: Is the language barrier a problem for you in your day-to-day life?
Ian: Not really, I seem to be able to communicate okay. The locals are extremely receptive to a smile and a "game of charades". However I don't want to be one of those people who doesn't try to assimilate. You're in a Spanish speaking country for God's sake. Speak their language! I believe it is only common courtesy and a matter of respect.
YL: What is the one most important piece of advice you would give someone
planning a move to the Yucatan?
Ian: Well, it's not for everyone so you should probably come and rent a place for a while to see if you like it. This of course is not how I work at all... ha ha, so I don't practice what I preach! So far there is nothing that I regret or wish that I had done differently.
YL: Are you a Mexican citizen?
Ian: No.
YL: If you aren't, do you think you will become one?
Ian: Probably not.
YL: Why would or wouldn't you?
Ian: When I first moved to the USA in 1982 I considered becoming a citizen however someone told me that if I ever found myself in a "situation" in or around those questionable Middle Eastern countries that I would be better off having a British passport. Fast forward to today. Enough said!
YL: How are you treated by Mexicans? Do you feel resented or welcome?
Ian: I generally feel good. Some of them basically ignore you. Some engage you
with a smile. Some want to sell you something. Mostly they are gracious and friendly and most importantly of all I don't feel like I am being tolerated. I try and wear a smile, I'm happy to be here.
YL: How do you feel about the economic prospects of Mexico?
Ian: I feel very optimistic about the Mexican economy.
Regarding the local economy I feel that the money being poured into Centro is a good thing since the character of the buildings will remain the same, all be it a little "fresher"
YL: What are your plans for the future here?
Ian: No real plans other than to decompress, embrace and take a little time to enjoy new friendships and my new chosen life in this beautiful city.
YL: Do you see your business growing?
Ian: I think it has the potential to grow but I need to decide if I want it to. Probably not.
YL: Do you see yourself staying?
Ian: Yes, If I find somewhere more suited to me I might move on, but I think that is a serious long shot.
YL: Any last words?
Ian: I have been blessed in my life that things seem to always fall into place for me. I am very thankful to have stumbled across this wonderful opportunity and feel privileged to be here.
Ian Arthur bought a house from the Working Gringos and has started a vacation rental business in Merida. Find out about it here.
Comments Write a comment
Aryll Argon (aka Ariel) 8 years ago
IAN!!!! I can't believe I found you!! I think I sent you a X-mas card to your last known address in Venice...a few years ago and I was sad when it came back. Since then I have visited in LA in 2014 to come pick up all my stuff...and I wanted to go to Fabby and ask about you, but it was closed.
In any case....I moved back to Wis. in 2012 when my mom had a heart attack and her Dr. said she couldn't live alone anymore. I said I'd give it a year....and then of course she wasn't any better (just meaner!) So, now she is almost 97 and I have been here 4 years (oh, back in Wisconsin)...and amazingly acclimated to the 4 seasons and the cold....it's about 20 degrees out now. It hadn't snowed until 2 days ago and as I wrote my (100) X-mas cards I kept saying...."I'm ready for snow"...so the universe heard me and responded appropriately....just a spare few inches...totally shovel-able!
I've been back to Hawaii twice (in the last 4 years) and this summer I went to Brazil to see John of God (world famous healer....and I got healed!) So, I still have the travel bug and I still love tropical places!! Maybe some day I can visit you in Yucatan!
So, did you become a Realtor?? I saw another site with some properties offered?? Knowing you, you will cash in in know time at all. I take issue with your above statement which says "I've always been the bread winner in relationships.".....I don't remember you winning me any bread!
In March when we (Billy and I, we went to High school together!) went to Maui we had a few friends fly in from California and Australia and with a few old Maui friends we had the most lovely commitment ceremony on the beach officiated by a kahuna, a direct descendant of Kind Kamaeamea!! He was lovely and oh, the chant.
I have spent ever day (spring to snow fall) for the past 2 years clearing the land (my mom's 40 acres) and we are building a house. I LOVE my Sawsall! It is sooo fun to have acres and acres to plant trees, bushes, flowers and yes a few tomatoes, cucumbers, Etc. The house just got the furnace and gas tank last week, so now we can work inside all winter.
So...all this to say...I'd love to get your address, so I can actually send you a X-mas card. Please write back, email, call whatever.
I bet you have had many Torrey's over the years. (Smoking a cigarette, having a martini) Do you have any pets now?? I have 2 kitties...Purball (aptly named..a boy) and Eddie (named after my dad...(a girl)...they were so young it was hard to tell...what was what.
I miss your funny face and your biting sarcasm!! COMMUNICATE!!!!!
Hugs and (no kisses), Love ALLLLLLways,
Aryll (I've changed the spelling...what 3 times at least)
Ian 18 years ago
Hi Lorena,
I just happened to look at this today and saw your note. That was lucky because it's been months since I last checked in.
Yes, Panadero is officially available as of last week. More good timing.. ha ha. Check out the website
Let me know if you've any questions. You can contact me through the website or at
Lorena Pacheco 18 years ago
Hey Ian! Since the first time I read this interview I wanted to get in touch with you. I definitely like your spirit! I've got a question to make: Is La Casa del Panadero your place to rent? I'm pretty interested in it since I usually bring Canadian families to stay at Mérida for a little while. I'd really like to know the house. Perhaps you could show it to me??? Here's my data:
Lorena Pacheco
e-mail: lara_castelli@hotmail.com
Tel. 99-92-28-08-30 Mobile phone
Tel. 168-2000 Home
Liz 18 years ago
Hi Ian, well you need a spanish teacher and i need a english teacher too!!!.....glad to hear that you are happy living in my city, you are welcome, if you need some help or some info, dont doubt, will be my pleassure to offer you my help...have been learning english but still it is not good, everyday i practicing with all my friends from USA and England they are helping me with my horrible pronuntiation, doing my best i think, anyway, i am here if you need something just let me know. thank you .
Khaki 18 years ago
Even now, a link to this interview is winging its e-mail way through Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. Excellent interview!!!
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