News / Yucatan News: Fine Dining and Beach Gals

Yucatan News: Fine Dining and Beach Gals

Yucatan News: Fine Dining and Beach Gals

28 May 2013 News 0

Beach Gals Recognized by Red Cross

The Beach Gals is a civic organization based in Progreso. The 120 members are, for the most part, expats. For the third year in a row, the Beach Gals have made a donation to the Red Cross, this time in the amount of $23,744 pesos. The Beach Gals do not stop with helping just the Red Cross. They support several worthy causes, such as giving scholarships to students in a number of towns. While the news story stressed that these altruistic ladies are doing good things as strangers in a foreign land, we know that many of them have called Yucatan home for a decade or more. The Beach Gals love Yucatan and are proud to do whatever they can to be good citizens, especially when it comes to the annual donation drive for the Red Cross.

Fine (All Natural) Dining Taught in Valladolid

It looks like the Universidad de Oriente has come out swinging against poor nutrition and behavioral problems among elementary school students. The Nutrition students are working with the Psychology students to develop menus that are economical and nutritious, while still going easy on the budget. Now, with the support of the local DIF, the students are teaching the mothers in the area to prepare these natural foods. This will help parents change the eating habits of their children before processed foods have a chance to cause them serious problems, especially in school. Congratulations to the Nutrition and Psychology students at the University of the East, as well as to those who are benefitting from what they have learned.

In Charge for a Day

Every May, around the world, children become public officials for a day. This is a much celebrated practice in Yucatan, where young people's voices are heard and children grow up with the concepts of citizen responsibility as part of their cultural education. While in office, these children tend to as many of the duties of the office as possible. In Progreso, young Jesus Humberto Gutierrez Galaz, age 12, presided over opening of the Youth Chess Tournament in his position as Director of Culture and Youth. Wherever you see these officials for a day, be sure to congratulate them for doing a great job. These are the mayors and directors of departments of tomorrow and they need all the praise they can get for being willing to take on these jobs.

Fighting Dengue Fever: Massive Trash Pickup

Every year, we hear the same refrain: Clean your patios and don't leave anything around that can provide a place for mosquitoes to breed. However, the State government is expanding its dengue fighting activities to include massive trash pickup events. The young brigadiers, almost 400 of them, will continue to come around to help folks with the Clean Patios program, but they are now joined by 5,500 volunteers who will take care of the second massive trash pickup event in Merida. The first of these events lasted about a week. Pickup schedules and drop-off sites will be posted everywhere, including here, so do check back often to find out how you can get rid of any unwanted items on your property.

Keeping Kids in School

In a recent speech, the Governor of Yucatan noted that six of every 10 high school students drop out. The State has decided to do something about that, especially in rural areas. This week, through the Digital Welfare program, 412 high school students received laptop computers that are fully loaded with all the tools they need to help them stay in school. They also received transportation subsidies and other benefits designed to help them reach their educational goals. The Governor has vowed to be a friend to each and every student in Yucatan and the students are responding to the attention with new energy.

An SSP Workshop: Rights of Migrants

Each year, thousands of Latin American migrants cross the full length of Mexico on their way north and back home again. Many are abused and too many lose their lives to any number of accidents or the activities of criminals. Some cross trails with the law, and that's where the rank and file of the SSP needs a little help to clarify the legal and human rights of these migrants. Toward that end, the SSP has a new class (workshop) dedicated to the legal and human rights of migrants. The workshop is being put on by the National Commission of Human Rights. All too often help for migrants never comes because others are too busy fussing about the fact that migrants exist. It is good to see that someone is dealing with reality and to know that the physical and psychological needs of these individuals will be met - at least while they are in Mexico.

Canadian Dies in Puerto Aventuras

It's summer and far too many older tourists and expats still think they are 30 years old and bullet-proof. Such is not the case. A little over a week ago, a Canadian tourist (age 57) received treatment in a hyperbaric chamber and was forbidden to dive due to pressure problems. The next day, he took a header into a cenote, against the advice of his physician and his tour guide, and the end was tragic. Please be careful out there. No one wants to hear this kind of news coming out of our expat community.


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