Merida Hurricane Update: Dawn Tuesday
We woke to some gusts of wind and a light rain. The clouds in the sky are still moving quickly, but the winds are mild so far. When we woke up the rain was just sprinkling... now it's a steady rain that is more than we want to walk around in, so the dogs have gone back to sleep.
We've been watching BBC and CNN broadcasting from Cancun and Puerto Aventuras. The local standup guy in Puerto Aventuras was making as much as he could out of the conditions, but they looked pretty ho-hum to us... no more than a normal tropical storm with 15-foot waves, he claims. Looked more like 5 feet to us (but we're from California, where they have real waves). We're sure things are different down in Chetumal, but for some reason they chose not to go all the way down there. Hmmm...
Once it gets lighter out, maybe we'll drive around and see if there's anything worth taking a photo to show everyone.
Grant 18 years ago
I appreciate the update...and the humor. Thanks, WGs, for being on top of things, as usual.
Bob Martin 18 years ago
It seemed to ME that the ironic humor displayed in this brief article was aimed at the lack of (...and perhaps lackadasical) news coverage that was being broadcast that DIDN'T report from where the more serious damage might be occuring. It seems to ME the writer(s) were ridiculing apparently or potentially bogus TV reporting that attempted to make a mountain - or bigger waves - out of a molehill...which has nothing to do with compassion.
H 18 years ago
have some compassion?
susan loeppky 18 years ago
Thanks for the update. I hope that a little rain and a wind is all that comes to Merida.
I am living in Korea now, but I used to make Merida my home and I loved the place.
I hope to return some day for a visit and perhaps to live there again.
Khaki 18 years ago
keep the Merida updates coming. your's is the only weather report we're getting from there right now.
Have some compassion 18 years ago
I am from Punta Allen, and all of my family has been evacuated to Carrillo Puerto. I am state side visiting my family, worring sick about all those that are in Dean right now. I am also worried that our fishing village will be gone. Meanwhile you crack jokes about it, perhaps you should go back to California and your real waves....
Have some compassion.
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