Interviews & Editorials / Canada Expats Encouraged to Vote

Canada Expats Encouraged to Vote

Canada Expats Encouraged to Vote

7 April 2011 Interviews & Editorials 5

A Canadian general election is taking place on May 2, 2011. The Yucatan Living editors were contacted by the Canadian Consulate in Cancun to deliver this information to all our expatriate Canadian readers, to inform them about the resources available to them to assist them in voting in that election.

The Consulate would like to invite any and every Canadian to take the time to vote in this election. The following links will give you the information that you need to make that happen.

About the general election on May 2, 2011

Where to find out who and what you will be voting for

The web page to register for voting by mail and deadlines

For further questions, you can contact the Consular Program Officer:

Alie Bourgeois-Charbonneau


Consular Program Officer | Agent du programme consulaire
Tel: (011 52) 998 883 3360/61
Mitnet: 379-3652
Fax:(011 52) 998 883 3232
Centro Empresarial Local E7 Blvd. Kukulcan K.M. 12 Cancun, Quintana Roo
Consular Agency | Agence consulaire
Gouvernement du Canada | Government of Canada


  • Green 14 years ago

    That would be non-permanent-resident expats only who are allowed to vote. Or did I miss a change in the law?

  • Working Gringos 14 years ago

    Actually, Sharron, we have been very happy lately with the Mexican mail system. It has improved greatly and seems to be quite reliable now. Give it a try!

  • Sharron McGrath 14 years ago

    I'm all for casting my vote but cannot help but wonder about the mail system. I hear mail originating from Mexico is really "snail mail" and cannot help but wonder how my vote will make it on time.

  • Bryan Joners 14 years ago

    Vote for who? All parties are a joke! Canada is doomed no matter what party is elected and why most of us expats moved away from there!

    As immigrants from Canada with sufficient funds to live here in Mexico and other countries, most of us could care less what happens with the Canadian election since most of us have already transferred our cash out of that tax slave country before the greedy government decided that you were no longer a resident and got their paws on it.

    Many families are moving away from Canada and being replaced by immigrants who cannot afford or be accepted into most other countries in the world since they will only become a burden to that country, although, these poor immigrants are more than welcome to come to Canada and get all sorts of freebies. How nice.. Good luck in the future Canada!

  • Miguel 14 years ago

    Fellow Yucanadians,
    Please vote, some of the ridings are too close to call and Stephen Harper's government is closer than ever to a majority government. And has made it clear that he wants to eliminate public funding of parties which will inevitably lead to a system in which big business increasingly influences politics. Just ask our american friends the damages excessive amount of money has done to the democratic process in the US.
    While I respect all political views, usually expats tend to vote ABC (anything but conservative) so for us still in Canada, PLEASE VOTE !
    A yucateco in Montréal

    Chers Yucanadiens,
    Votez, s'il vous plaît !! Certains circonscriptions sont vraiment serrées (spécialement dans la région de Québec où les conservateurs ont fait un percée lors de dernières élections). Les Conservateurs veulent éliminer le financement public des partis, ce qui donnerait plus de place aux grandes corporations pour influencer notre démocratie. Demandez aux américains les problèmes qu'ils ont avec les faramineuses sommes d'argent dans leur système politique.
    Donc, VOTEZ SVP, pour qui vous voulez ... mais il n'y rien de plus éloigné des valeurs québécoises que la plateforme conservatrice.
    Un Yucateco à Montréal

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