About Louis Nevaer

About Louis Nevaer

5 December 2010 Interviews & Editorials 23

Louis Nevaer is the owner of Casa Catherwood here in Merida. He also publishes a few websites: one called Mesoamérica Foundation, and his latest called Romero Books (no, we are not linking to them). His website should not be confused with this Mesoamerica Foundation, or especially this Mesoamerica organization, usually referred to as FAMSI (although we suspect the confusion is intentional). He publishes other websites as well, including HispanicEconomics.com.

Anyone who has visited Louis Nevaer's websites or has been stuck on his mailing list over the years has been an audience to his campaign of libel, defamation and harassment, beginning with a non-profit organization, Brazos Abiertos.

But Louis Nevaer didn't stop there. His venom has spread over the months and years to include any number of organizations and individuals who have supported or worked with Brazos Abiertos. This has unfortunately included us. We wrote an article called Adios Casa Catherwood to explain our position.

Several times over the past years, we were advised by several mortified friends and readers that Louis Nevaer had struck again, posting and articles about us on his website, which he invariably takes down, before putting up something new and horrible. Due to the personal and threatening nature of that article and others that have followed, we feel it's important to set the record straight.

First, we would like to acknowledge the writer Beryl Gorbman, who is a long-time friend of Louis Nevaer (but has also been one of our clients), for writing this article in our defense. We also wish to republish the comment to her article written by our friend, Al Giordano, the publisher of Narco News and founder of the School of Authentic Journalism:

Thank you, Beryl, for the opportunity to address the libelous and defamatory statements by Louis E. Ravela Navaer (as he is known in a California state court restraining order against him as well as a federal court judgment finding him guilty of stalking, defamation, portrayal of individuals in false light, and intentional infliction of emotional distress, with a judgment of more than $250,000 in damages and attorneys fees against him: this individual has obviously harassed, stalked and defamed others before he started in on the Fields, and has been brought to justice for it).

Jim and Ellen Fields are good and honest people who have never supported any “terrorist” organization or anything like that. The accusation is so silly as to be laughable. They have supported *journalism* about a 2006 speaking-and-listening tour by the Zapatistas of Chiapas, which are notably *not* on the US government list of terrorist organizations and in fact are legally recognized by the Mexican government as involved in an ongoing peace process, a government which furnished federal police security for the Zapatista spokesman during that six-month 2006 national tour, which was reported also by every major national and international news organization in Mexico, just as Narco News reported on it. Would Mr. Nevaer accuse the New York Times and the Washington Post of supporting “terrorists” because they reported the same story?

Finally, Mr. Nevaer’s maliciously false statements that Narco News “supports drug traffickers” are evidently false to everyone who has read our online newspaper over the past ten years. To the contrary, our reporting has investigated and exposed hundreds of cases of drug trafficking and related official corruption in many countries (not just Mexico) including the United States. We invite anyone interested to simply review our reports at http://www.narconews.com and draw their own conclusions on the honest and authentic journalism we practice every day. Given that Mr. Nevaer – who we do not know and have never had any contact with – is the only party here that has been judged guilty of serious crimes, including defamation, we find his claims about others to be non-credible and lead us to question his emotional stability and credibility.

- Al Giordano, publisher, Narco News, email: narconews@gmail.com

If you are wondering what Al Giordano means by "the only party here that has been judged guilty of serious crimes, including defamation", you can read the relevant documents about the past life of Louis Nevaer below (PDF format, requires Adobe Reader).

UPDATE: Since this article was written several years ago, Louis Nevaer stopped his online defamation for awhile. But not until he had reported us to the immigration authorities, who visited us and determined that there was no truth to his allegations. Reports about him to the U.S. Consulate have informed them as well that we are being harassed, but there is apparently nothing that they can do to stop him. Recently, Louis has started up again, sometimes using aliases (such as "Rob Brenner") to spread his slander, including a very hurtful portrayal of our son who died in 2010.

The founders of Brazos Abiertos obtained a judgement against him in a court in New York in April 2015. They explain here:

"After four years of being falsely accused and libeled, we have cleared our names! For unknown reasons, we have been the target of an attempt to discredit Jose, myself and Brazos Abiertos, Inc., with accusations and lies that questioned our integrity and honesty.

On February 11, 2015, Jose Solis and I (“Plaintiffs”) filed a lawsuit in US District Court for the Eastern District of New York, against Louis Nevaer, Mesoamerica Foundation, and Hispanic Economics (collectively, the “Defendants”), for, among other causes of action, defamation of character and libel per se. See, Solis and Truax v. Mesoamerica Foundation, USA, Inc., Hispanic Economics, Inc. and Louis Varela Nevaer, et. al, 15-CV-0702 (E.D.N.Y.)

In June, 2015, Plaintiffs obtained a final Judgment in the case against the Defendants. An exhibit to the Judgment is a notarized Statement signed by Mr. Nevaer in which he affirmatively indicates that the allegations he had made in the past regarding Plaintiffs, Brazos Abiertos, Inc. and Fundacion BAI A.C. are not true. He also indicated in the Statement that he recognized that Plaintiffs were never engaged in activities designed to promote and facilitate inappropriate and/or illegal sexual encounters between foreigners in Merida and local residents.

The Judgment includes a permanent injunction, enjoining Mr. Nevaer, whether in his own name or using an alias from ever again making, publishing or posting any false, (including falsified quotations of third parties) misleading or defamatory statements about Plaintiffs, Brazos Abiertos, Inc., Fundacion BAI A.C., d.b.a. Brazos Abiertos Yucatan and/or their director general, directors, officers, volunteers and committee members.

I am happy to report that with this Judgment, our lawsuit against Mr. Nevaer has ended successfully. All documentation including Plaintiffs’ Complaint, Judgment and the Statement is publicly-available information. Plaintiffs’ counsel has reviewed and approved this email.

We are forever grateful to our friends who have stood by us through this painful time. Jose and I hope you will continue to support the wonderful work of Brazos Abiertos!"

Nevaer's recent inclusion of us in a "fictional" account of the misdeeds of expatriates in Merida, and listing Working Gringa along with convicted criminals in Mexico is the type of activity that he is specifically forbidden in this judgement. As volunteer providers of website services to Brazos Abiertos as well as decent human beings who have never attempted to hurt anyone, including Mr. Nevaer, we believe that we are covered by this recent judgement.

People who know us fortunately do not pay any attention to his distortions and slander. But for those of you who do not know us personally, we encourage you to see what is going on for what it is: a smear campaign using aliases. We encourage you to also let his writings starve and die for lack of attention.

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  • Venus Martins 14 years ago

    Louis Nevaer also publishes these two websites:



    He talks to himself in both of them, under different aliases. He uses Hugo de Naranja, Prof. Kimbote, Ana Cristina Llera, Ye Olde Gringo and more. He is a pathetic freak!

  • bookworm 14 years ago

    This is so sad. I'm looking forward to moving permanently to the area in a short while and was devastated to read the first article "Adios Casa Catherwood." From somebody about to leave a society where gossip and malicious innuendo and blatant untruths are everyday events, I was hopeful the Yucatan would be a place where I could leave all that behind. My dream has been shattered, at least for now. Please, please, try to talk this through. Perhaps you could find a mediator to help. There must have been an initial misunderstanding that somehow snowballed into this nasty mess. I don't know any of you yet, but now I'm not sure that I want to. Imagine how all this sounds/looks to an individual on the outside. I love this website and have been greatly assisted by your detailed and interesting pieces. On the other hand, I also adore the idea of Casa Catherwood and would like to be supportive of their goals. Thank you for the opportunity to add my 2-cents worth. Maybe the next article I read will be about a beautiful reconciliation.

  • Evalynne Engle 14 years ago

    THANKS so much for clearing up my (& perhaps a lot of others) confusion. I regret to say that I BELIEVED "Mr. Nevaer's" articles about Brazos Abiertos until now -- although I was also doubting the truth of those accusations after I read his comments about you.

    NOW I see the connection. I agree with Al Giordano that Nevaer's accusations about your support of "terrorists", etc. are almost laughable -- although not to you, I'm sure.

    You have done an excellent job of setting the record straight. I only wish Reg Deneau had had the venue to do the same.

    If there's a "lesson" in all of this, I guess it's that we must all be more careful about believing ANYTHING we hear/read about anyone or group.

  • Karen Ferguson 14 years ago

    Sometimes one has to address the issues and sometimes ignore them. But this chap seemingly borders on 'psycho-problems' so it's best to be 'out with the truth.'
    You're right about the email list...I don't know how I got on it in the first place, but I've tried getting off of it for a year, no dice.
    Keep on keepin' on, Ellen....Truth trumps Deception every time.

  • MeridaK 14 years ago

    Dear Ellen and James,
    I am so sorry after all that you have been through of late, that you had to come home to this... To have the two of you as well as our beloved Reg smeared like this is reprehensible. I for one would love to see Louis run out of town on more than a rail. A small community like ours does not need this level of hate and vitriol expressed. All I can say is thank God he has gone after people of the highest integrity and greatest connection to our community, imagine some poor soul who was really defenseless and unknown being attacked like this. Please feel the love and support that the community holds for you and know that that outweighs anything else. With love and support!!!

  • Vikki Hillman 14 years ago

    I truly feel that this individual has an undiagnosed mental illness and the more responses and and attention he receives from his "off the wall" comments and beliefs feeds his narcisistic and delusional mind. Most individuals will know the truth and I believe can see what is going on. For those people that do not know or understand this individual, eventually time plays out the scenarios and they will see him for what he is and will bypass his thoughts and carry on to something positive and productive. Another unfortunate soul in our society whose mind is sadly gone. I do not know this individual and have not followed closely but see different "setting the records straight" by different individuals and organizations. I think it is time to ignore Louis Nevear and let him ferment in his own thoughts. Stop giving him so much attention. This is what he thrives on. Lord knows there are many individuals who use the internet as the vehicle for their sadly misplaced thoughts.

  • Joanna van der Gracht de Rosado 14 years ago

    Good for you Ellen and JIm,

    So many have been victims of these character attacks... one never knows who the next one will be! We live in a marvelous corner of the world and the negativity that Louis brings is unwelcome to say the least. Even his "friends" seem to finally be seeing things as they are... you know, the truth always comes out.

    My best wishes to you both. May this regretable invasion of our community's peace and tranquility, not to mention this ill-timed personal attack on you, soon be relegated to the past.

  • Catriona Brown 14 years ago

    I was on of the mortified friends who received Nevaer's article. It is is so badly informed and deliberately misleading that it is easily labelled slander and libellious to the full extent of the law. The anonymous author has taken an article from 2006 about visiting young journalists, ripped paragraphs completely out of context in order to prove his/her fanatical point. Ellen and James Field are supporters of free press and supporters of people who do not have a voice. Aren't we all? I also supported these young journalists in their travels and so does the Mexican Government.

    Ellen and James are enormous contributors to the community of Merida and their world class website has helped hundreds of thousands of locals and visitors by providing information about Merida and its surrounds thereby benefiting the community as a whole and promoting knowledge and friendship in the community.

    The author, who writes anonymously, should be soundly denounced for creating strife inside a small community and inciting hatred and even violence, this behaviour is severely frowned upon by the Mexican Government.I can only think that the person is mentally unbalanced and hope they seek and receive help.

  • Edward Lamp 14 years ago

    When will this foolisness stop? Such childish pettiness.

  • Bruce 14 years ago

    Such a shame when people have nothing better to do than to cause problems for others. I'm afraid this fellow, and others of the same ilk seem to have no purpose or any positive thing to offer anyone. I'm sorry you had to report such trash but really appreciate your efforts and applaud your honesty, your hard work and your professional response. The truth always hurts this type of individual the most and you have laid it out beautifully. I salute you! Keep up the good work and know I'm not alone in my support and appreciation.

  • The Pliers 14 years ago

    My, oh, my...

    I read your earlier article concerning Whatshishame's babblings. I'm sorry that you have to use your energy to keep the record straight. However, and fortunately, you are good writers with a wonderful capacity for making complex issues understandable.

    Very best of luck with cleaving to the primary documents and allowing them to provide ballast for keeping things on an even keel. Congratulations on avoiding ad hominem attacks.

    Happy Holidays!

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