Healthcare / Death in A Foreign Country

Death in A Foreign Country

Death in A Foreign Country

2 May 2008 Healthcare 23

We're lucky enough to be good friends with two of the three women who did the research for a new brochure about preparing for your death in a foreign country. Lorna Gail Dallin was the manager of the Merida English Library when we first moved here, and our neighbor at the time. Martha Lindley has only lived here for a little over a year, but she was our neighbor when we were renting, waiting for our house to be finished. We don't know Cheryl Caddy, but from the story she told about why she got involved in this project, it seems we also have some things in common. While death isn't a popular topic of discussion, it is an important one (especially for those of us far from loved ones), and these three women have brought their thoroughness, practicality, organization, and sense of humor to bear on this subject, for the benefit of all of us.

The Final Adios is the name of this small pamphlet (or a PDF file downloadable here) that outlines what preparations you can make to prepare your survivors for dealing with the monton (huge pile) of paperwork that will be required in the event of your death in what is to you a foreign land. The group presented the pamphlet and the information in it to the Merida Men's Club, the Merida English Library and to the International Women's Club in Merida, where we joined them for their final presentation.

Cheryl stood up first to explain why they had researched this subject in the first place. She and her husband live here in Merida, but their daughter and heir lives in the United States. As she put it, one day Cheryl had a disturbing vision of her tear-stained daughter's face as she arrived in Merida after she and her husband had both died unexpectedly. In her waking dream, her daughter had come to take care of matters. Cheryl's daughter doesn't speak Spanish, she doesn't know how to get to their house, she didn't have the keys if she did know and she didn't know in which bank they kept their money. Suddenly, Cheryl realized that if she loved her daughter, she must do something to make her daughter's work in the midst of her grief just a little bit easier. Listening to her that morning, we identified with this vision, as our own daughter had called us just a few months ago, worried about the same possibility.

To understand what needed to be prepared, Cheryl joined with Lorna Gail and Martha to investigate. Early on, they agreed that once they had the information, they would share it with the local expat community in Merida. The three of them spent countless hours talking with government officials (Mexican, American and Canadian), visiting funeral parlors and talking with others who had gone through the experience. They distilled what they learned into The Final Adios, a short document about dying in the Yucatan that tells you everything you need to know to prepare for your death.

Martha and Lorna Gail presented the document, mentioning a few important points, such as the need for an apostille (a special seal) on official documents for Americans, and the importance of having all documents translated into Spanish by an official translator (all this is covered in the document). They also reminded us of some things we might overlook, like preparing our survivors for the shock of dealing with a different culture. Martha suggested we tell our loved ones that the workers in the funeral parlor will probably be dressed in t-shirts, not tuxedos, and that is not a sign of disrespect nor an indication of their abilities. Instead it is an indication of how much a part of daily life they consider death to be here in Mexico.

For those of us who live here, but whose families live "there", what they have prepared is a valuable roadmap for a project we should probably all undertake. It is also a good synopsis to have on hand for your successors. It includes instructions on who to call depending on where the person in question died, what to expect from a funeral parlor, who in Merida are the official document translators, what documents need to be collected and translated and more.

If you live here, no matter how old you are, we encourage you to read it and then do the work. As Lorna Gail reminded everyone, if you don't do it, everything will happen anyway. With all the paperwork in order, your survivors might be able to dispose of your body within 24 hours. Without the right paperwork, it can take up to a week or more. It might take years for judges to decide what to do with your Mexican property if you don't leave instructions, but with the right paperwork, it will happen a lot faster.

If you do your homework now, however, you are leaving a final gift for your survivors, making their days after your death that much easier. As the title suggests, whatever preparation you have done beforehand is, from you to them, the final Adios.

Editors Note: The Final Adios brochure will be available at the Merida English Library while they last. Now and ever after, it will also be available as a downloadable and printable PDF right here on Yucatan Living. We encourage anyone who has useful information on this subject to leave their comments to this article for the edification of the whole community.

Files & Downloads


  • Martha Lindley 17 years ago

    The Emergency Information Sheet is available on this link. We suggest you fill it out and put one on your refrigerator and have one in your car. That way, the information needed is immediately available.

    We suggest you visit funeral homes in your community to ask any specific questions you have about cremation, burial or transferring the body to your home country for burial. Keep in mind that the Mexican culture is much more accepting of the inevitability of death; it is treated in a much more matter of fact manner. We did not find men dressed in dark suits and ties being somber. In Merida, they were in tee shirts and jeans and very relaxed and willing to talk.

    I'm pleased others found the information useful. We did it for our loved ones and are happy to share it.

  • Brenda Thornton 17 years ago

    Most of us aren't even ready to deal with the death of a loved one, emotionally or in terms of paperwork and arrangements, when we live in the states, close to our family and friends.

    Thanks for the wonderful information.

  • Ray 17 years ago

    Thanks and it works just fine now.


    I would like to be buried in Merida by my wife. Ariadna being a Mex citizen, would it be more easy for her to do so? To have us buried in the same grave site? Does this brochure cover that? Thanks.

  • Xcalaman 17 years ago

    Good information for those who have not considered taking care of affairs ahead of time. I would like to see or hear of more information about the options of cremation in Mexico. Thanx.

  • Pennsy Al 17 years ago

    Useful, at a high level, thanks to all involved.
    Would have liked to see a bit more on returning a deceaased to the U.S. (and Canada) for internment, besides the obvious ref to it being costly to do so. I understand that, for U.S. cits, the Consulate is very helpful.
    As a future retiree-to-be in Merida, and Jewish, I am particularly interested as to whether Mexico permits the shipment of unembalmed bodies -- although I may just arrange for plots in Mexico City or Monterrey.
    It is so important to have as much paperwork ready well before any emergency. By definition, emergencies happen when least expected. I wonder how many of those who live in the Yucatan, even if only for a season per year, "bother" to register with their Consulate?
    In the states, my Mother just flat out refused to deal with preparations for death. She has now been in a nursing unit for 5 years or so, and unable to communicate meaningfully for years -- and was delusional after the first of two severe strokes. Without paperwork ready, it really became aggravating dealing with the necessary. Fortunately or unfortunately, there were no assets at issue, other than sentimental objects.

  • Jan 17 years ago

    How very thoughtful and informative! Thanks.

  • Dave 17 years ago

    I read this article with interest and printed out the PDF file. We'll spend some time this summer getting all our "Docs" in a row for sure.

    One thing that I noticed. On page 5, under the heading "Additional information" there is a reference to a yellow "Emergency Personal Information Sheet" that was attached to the original document. Is there a like where I can go to download that sheet also?

    Thanks, Great job as usual by the Yucatan Living staff.


  • La Framéricaine 17 years ago

    Dear Working Gringos & Expats de Yucatan,

    Bravo on such a wonderfully altruistic article!

    I recently read a blog entry by an American located in/around San Miguel de Allende who was specifically writing to announce the death of a female friend who was also an expat in SMdeA, so your article is very pertinent and timely--for someone at this very moment.

    I consider the brochure to be a gift and commend its authors for their pragmatic act of love. You have a vital expat community and it solidarité is to be envied and emulated. Felitications!

    It seems to me, although I understand the most salient reason for the creation of the brochure, that you have the foundations for a very valuable and interesting intercultural compare and contrast study. I suspect that a Spanish translation of your brochure would be a helpful tool--if it does not already exist--because that translation would allow Americans in grief to show Spanish speakers, who are trying to help them in some of their darkest hours, what and why they are trying to accomplish.

    Chapeau!, to you all and amitiés,

  • Karen 17 years ago

    Thanks, WGs,

    I remember hearing when this was in the works a couple of years ago. We needed it then. I'm so glad to know it's been completed and that it's now being distributed. Kudos to Lorna Gail, Martha and Cheryl.

  • Marie 17 years ago

    Great information that we all need. Thanks!

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