Family & Pets / Protección de Perros y Gatos

Protección de Perros y Gatos

Protección de Perros y Gatos

20 October 2014 Family & Pets 17

It's been a long time coming, but Protección de Perros y Gatos, a.c. has finally opened its doors to serve the people of the Municipality of Progreso with quality vet care for everyone, including street dogs and families who cannot afford vet care for their pets.

The Association recently received the materials promised in June from the City to sterilize 100 animals, thus, they began the first major campaign at the clinic.

Obviously, it will be impossible to neuter 100 street dogs in a single weekend as targeting the callejeros will take detailed planning, coordination and a small army of volunteers. Fortunately, and thanks to Protección de Perros y Gatos' amazing and dedicated Vigilante, Manuela Gómez, and her team, it has been possible to enlist the co-operation of two like-minded groups, Ciudadanos Pro Mascota (Citizens for Pets) and Paws on the Beach. These groups are joined by two additional local vets who have committed several hours a week to the campaign until the materials are all gone. The use of a large property has also been donated for pre and post-surgical care. The staff and volunteers at Protección de Perros y Gatos are confident they can sterilize 10-15 animals a week over the next 7-10 weeks.

Please Note: Protección de Perros y Gatos has suspended their monthly social meetings for the time being in order to focus on the work at hand but they hope to resume these gatherings right after the New Year. In the meantime, your thoughts and comments are always welcome via e-mail and your donations even more so now that they are finally doing what they set out to do so many years ago. Protección de Perros y Gatos estimates the average cost of materials to sterilize an animal at $400 pesos (anesthesia and antibiotics are expensive). Therefore your $32 USD donation will neuter one dog or cat and prevent hundreds more from ever being born into lives of misery and suffering.

If you can, please help Protección de Perros y Gatos, a.c. to help as many as they can towards healthy dignified lives.

Mailing Address
Apartado Postal No. 30
Progreso 97320
Yucatán, México

Physical Location
Calle 83 (a/k/a Calle 33) No. 216-H
Colonia Revolución, Progreso
Yucatán, México


  • jim and nina 8 years ago

    Hello, We are staying in progreso and have been adopted by a loving two year old sweetheart of a kitty we named Lucy. Lucy needs to find a home before March 3rd. If you can help her it would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you
    My Email is

  • Julie Lindur 10 years ago

    I am travelling to Mexico in April 2015 as an Expat from Australia. I will be voluntarily teaching English for which I have qualifications. I also want to volunteer to assist with the street dogs in Merida which is where I will be living. I have, for most of my life, cared for stray dogs and unwanted horses in Australia for which I have found satisfactory homes.

  • K. B. (Kitty) Morgan 10 years ago

    I am both a co-founder and board member of Proteccion de Perros y Gatos, a.c. (P&G), writing on behalf of our board to thank YL for the lovely article which had only two purposes: 1) To inform YL’s readers that we were about to embark on our first campaign and 2) To differentiate our mission and vision from that of other groups providing similar services to the beach communities. Nothing disrespectful was stated, implied or intended to denigrate any other groups’ efforts, therefore we were quite surprised by the hostile reactions from two misguided individuals, purportedly concerned about animal welfare, but who obviously know nothing about us as they twisted our innocent words to promote their own agendas while criticizing our humble contributions.

    The first post implies that P&G received money for materials. NOT TRUE! Last June, our president, Beatriz Carvajal, made a formal request in writing on P&G letterhead to Javier Couoh, the director of Ecology in Progreso, requesting MATERIALS to sterilize 100 dogs. I have a copy of it stamped "received" by the Ayuntamiento which IS the City (as stated in the article). Several of our board members later met with Javier to discuss the project in detail and the materials were delivered to Beatriz's office in September by Javier himself. If anyone else was involved in this transaction, P&G was unaware of it. As all groups are engaged in animal welfare, we do wonder why it matters where the materials came from. Our point was that we had received them, which enabled us to embark on our first campaign.

    To suggest that she and her associates have the authority to order the City of Progreso not to provide us with any more materials is ridiculous. Why would the government take orders from foreigners? And what sort of spiteful person would make a “conscious effort” to see us denied further assistance from the City?

    This post also alleges that one of our vets "... HAD to work on these animals". Also NOT TRUE as all 3 local vets freely volunteered their time and talents, for which we are extremely grateful.

    The second post takes exception to our words "similar campaigns" but then proceeds to define them exactly as we have (i.e. sterilization), except for the numbers, while criticizing P&G's work, goals, vision "and more." Humble as our efforts may be at this time, why does this man feel it necessary to attack us for offering the same service on a smaller scale? It’s not about the numbers to us; it’s about each individual animal.

    He also takes umbrage with the statement that others "take all comers..." but then goes on to admit that this is, in fact, TRUE. He believes we implied this to be a "bad thing" but we never said it was bad for the animals. We merely stated that it negatively impacts the livelihoods of local vets by diverting their potential business from those who can afford to pay to volunteers from outside the area.

    His third exception is to part of a sentence, taken out of context, of which he conveniently omitted the most important words, probably because they didn't serve his agenda: " a meaningful way". Our choice of words could have been better as we would never disparage anyone's efforts when it comes to helping animals, but 150 callejeros a year hardly makes a dent in the 3,000(plus) at the beach. At that rate, it will take 20(plus) years, and that is only if none ever breed in the interim. He criticizes P&G's paltry efforts but is offended when we express a genuine desire to help in the one area other groups seem to be experiencing some difficulty (street dogs).

    It is an absolute LIE that "everyone is welcome to help" as P&G has never been invited to participate in other groups’ campaigns. In fact, we are always specifically excluded, as we were in this post, for reasons never disclosed to us, despite the fact that P&G gave Planned Pethood NP5,000 for materials for their very first January campaign in Progreso some 4-5 years ago (and I have the cancelled check to prove that).

    The post asks "what have we done?" and calls us "ineffective" for coming so late to the party - not exactly a welcome mat for any newcomer. For starters, we formed a Civil Association in 2003 because we wished to have an organization which was public, transparent and in complete compliance with the law. This makes operating more difficult than if we were informal because we must maintain meticulous financial records which are audited annually by the Hacienda, but we felt that our supporters and donors had the right to see where their money was going. Many, although not all, similar groups operating at the beach are informal, and operate under the radar of the Hacienda. All of our current board members are Mexican citizens, either by birth or naturalization. Our primary mission is and has always been to provide low cost care to animals of those people with limited resources, as well as to our street dogs and cats. Over the years, we have also held many neighborhood campaigns providing a full range of services including rabies and other vaccinations, treatments for both internal and external parasites, baths and grooming, identification tags and collars, and, most importantly, education, as we firmly believe that education will precipitate a cultural shift in a single generation, especially if we can reach the very young.

    It's true that we spent the last 10 years mostly raising funds with which we've constructed a permanent facility (a clinic) to continue to serve the community long after we're all gone. This is P&G's vision for the future and it is WE who should be "inflamed and offended" by the unfair and untrue comments of a few malcontents who don't share it. Of course we're ineffective now as we're just getting started, but we did neuter 43 animals in our very first month and will continue to sterilize as many animals as we have materials for every month, all year long.

    It seems to me from all the flack that a few expats resent P&G's very presence on what they perceive to be their exclusive domain. Are we not ALL passionate and dedicated to the same noble cause? Why do these people believe that our fledgling efforts are not worthy of even appearing in print? It's as if they'd like us to just disappear forever and we honestly don't understand their constant need to attack us. We are committed to being a permanent presence in the community on a daily basis.

    Upon re-reading the YL article after reading all the comments, we cannot see anything "inflammatory" or "offensive," (never mind untrue), other than our very presence in print. Nothing was said that in any way denigrates the work of any other group as the article wasn't about them: it was about us! It has been the greatest sadness of my life that we can't all work together to improve life for the animals at the beach but P&G are more determined than ever to soldier on as we do have many supporters (110 of them attended our annual fundraising breakfast last February) and, hopefully, leave something behind for the next generation of Mexican youth.

    Both a high speed freeway and a scenic country road can arrive at the same destination; the difference is in the journey.

    K. B. (Kitty) Morgan
    Proteccion de Perros y Gatos, a.c.

  • a m waggoner 10 years ago

    That was a really nice little article. It is especially good to see what some of the smaller animal service groups are doing and it is really a good thing that it is a Mexican organization. We hear a lot about the big sterilization campaigns but what happens to the animals after they are sterilized? Sterilization happens only once in their lives but what about afterwards. They will still need medical services for the rest of their lives such as vaccinations and treatment for illness or injuries. Fleas and ticks are a problem here at the beach so there will always be a need for help. Groups that function year round are important.

    In Progreso and its comisarios there are a lot of small groups, mostly anonymous, who are doing what they can to help the street dogs in their areas. Because of their familiarity with the local manadas, they are often the only ones who can determine which of the dogs on street are homeless and which dogs have a home but are running around on the streets because of irresponsible owners. Their love and compassion for these animals makes it possible to bond with many of them and even to collect them when they need medical attention or to have them sterilized. If they don’t trust you, capturing street dogs is notoriously difficult to do. Sometimes, for whatever reason, these groups have been made to feel unwelcome at some of the mini sterilization campaigns because these dogs have no owners. The small service groups are sometimes able to fill this need.

    The really good news is that I have heard that Maura Garcia will be responsible for the big sterilization campaigns in the future and that will be a very good thing. Having a local person instead of a foreigner in charge will bring credibility with the local community. Nobody likes outsiders telling you what to do. Maura has the right combination of experience and attitude. She loves animals and has a great deal of compassion for them. For her, they will never be just anonymous numbers or part of a competition for a record. She gets along well with people and is focused on the animals and not on personal glory. She is calm, assured and focused. This is what Progreso needs. She is a teacher and, by all accounts, a very good one. I have met some of her students, past and present, and she has done a remarkable job of instilling in them the values of respect, compassion and responsibility for our animal friends. This is the future and we should embrace it. She can bring a cadre of local volunteers to make this all happen and I am looking forward to seeing these campaigns done in Spanish as they should be. I think that she will be the one to bring people together which I hope will include the local veterinarians who have felt somewhat threatened by these campaigns.
    I know that there is a temptation for extranjeros to jump in and take charge (the missionary syndrome) but that is a temptation that we must resist. It is extremely important that this work be directed by locals to assure that the community feels a part of it and will support it going into the future. There is plenty of room in less visible roles for extranejeros who love animals to support local efforts. Especially needed is financial support.
    The real heroes are the ones who are there every day doing whatever they can to make things a little better for our animal friends.

  • Manuela Gomez Pinzón 10 years ago

    51 360 animales no llegaran en los proximos 2 años al municipio de Progreso por el esfuerzo de quienes trabajan con seriedad por los animales. gracias.

  • Manuela Gomez Pinzón 10 years ago

    I'm Manuela Gómez Pinzón. I have worked in my community for the protection of animals for 9 years. I have a small temporary shelter at home. I pick up puppies from the beach, and give them food and shelter for four to five months.

    I formed a group called PROMASCOTAS CITIZENS.
    We have created a steering committee, and taken a census, verifying the approximate numbers INEGI. 53,000 people are in the town of Progreso in the last census. Supposing we have one dog per capita, we estimated 3,600 street dogs around the village of Progreso. Based on these numbers, we think we have prevented the birth of 41 600 new animals this year alone.

    This year, we hope to have similar favorable numbers in Chelem and Chuburna.

    A hug to everyone working seriously for animals in the town of Progreso.

  • Candida L. Ivins-Schwartz 10 years ago

    Excellent commentary Maura. I believe all of us at one point or another worked with groups that were not as effective as we would like them to be. It is the benefit and welfare of the animals that we should keep in mind, and leave any other differences aside. The effect on the street dog population and its control is the most important, as well as their effect on the human population. That is the issue addressed by the Ciudadanos ProMascotas to which Ma. Manuela Gomez Pinzon referred to in her comment, and to which my husband and I were invited to join. I have to thank AFAD via Maura and Cindy who kindly let me have the hands-on experience at their sterilization campaigns in Chixulub Puerto and Progreso. For the latter, they invited us to bring some of the street dogs we had under observation and or care of other volunteers. I had the privilege to see the No Mas Perritos work and meet some of the animals under their sponsorship. In our continuous begging for assistance for the dogs, we personally (mostly Manuela and other volunteers) identify the dogs, befriend them (via food and attention), catch them, deliver them to a friendly vet, provide post-surgery care and then release them. In this process, we have encountered many willing and loving people doing their best to help. All, in different shapes and in different ways do their bit. As long as the street dogs are been sterilized and the future overpopulation avoided, if only one by one, that is all that matters. Thank you, Working Gringos, for bringing the issue to light. I think that discussing the subject and hopefully realizing how many we are out there trying to do the gigantic job that has to be done, will help us somehow try to work together for a faster result. If the callejeros manage to survive the streets together, we should be able to help them and all other animals the same way. Greetings from Progreso. CIS

  • Working Gringos 10 years ago

    Thank you, Maura!

  • Maura Garcia 10 years ago

    Hi my name is Maura Garcia. I have been working for 11 years in Progreso towards animal welfare, working for 5 years in organizing campaigns and sterilization with AFAD, the Canadian community and Planned Pethood.
    I think it is is important to note the following: La organización Mundial de la salud (The World Health Organization) has established the importance of sterilization clinics to be effective. These must have the following characteristics:

    1. Encompassing all sectors of the population
    2. Continuous, periodic
    3. Systematic (we have established procedures)
    4. Massive. Whether animals have an owner or not. Sterilization also works to prevent cancer!!
    5. Extended to both females and males
    6. Early. Animals can be operated from three months old
    7. and free!

    In addition the group should consist of the government, community and animal welfare groups. AFAD works with the community and the city and State of Yucatan.

    I have something to thank “Perros y gatos” for, because I started with them. But when I saw that very little was happening, I decided to act and now in Progreso with the AFAD group. This year we have sterilized over 1300 animals.

    I think everyone should work to support animal rights, but they must learn and work hard and, most importantly, deliver results. Saludos.

  • Maura Soledad García 10 years ago

    Hi my name is Maura Garcia. working for 11 years in Progreso towards animal welfare, working for 5 years in organizing campaigns and sterilization AFAD Canadian community and Planned Pethood.
    is important to note the following:
      La organización Mundial de la salud has established the importance of sterilization clinics to be effective must have the following characteristics:
    1. encompassing all sectors ...
    2. Continuous, periodic
    3. Systematic, we have established procedures
    4. Massive. whether animals have an owner, it also works to prevent cancer!!
    5. Extended, females and males
    6. Early, animals can be operated from three months old
    7. and free
      In addition the group should consist of the government, community and animal welfare groups.

    I have something to thank "Perros y gatos" I started with them, but when I saw who did nothing and decided to act and now in Progreso, in this year we have over 1300 sterilized animals.
    Pienso que todos pueden protectores de animales pero antes deben informarse y trabajar duro y lo más importante dar resultados.

  • Working Gringos 10 years ago

    My humble apologies, everyone. I had NO idea that this was so controversial. I would like people to know about the organization, but have removed the offending material. I was given this article and published it, trusting the person who had given it to me had done the fact checking. In my own defense, I was distracted by my OWN rescue dog who finally died four days ago of a battle with leukemia. I wasn't paying as close attention as I usually do, and for that I apologize.

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