Yunku Afternoon
Working Gringa was lucky enough to be invited out to Hacienda Yunku yesterday for lunch. So, she bought tomatoes and fresh mozarella at Costco, packed her bathing suit and URL the puppy, and picked up a friend for the drive out to Yunku.
Hacienda Yunku is owned by Norte Americanos who rent it out by the night or the week to anyone lucky enough to know about it. A couple can stay there overnight for the average cost of a big city hotel. But this place is anything but average, and your average tourist probably wouldn't be able to find it, let alone enjoy it.
Not being your average tourist, W. Gringa found it and enjoyed her afternoon there thoroughly. The drive to Yunku from Merida takes about an hour, and is a pleasure and an adventure in itself. After turning off the main highway going south, you pass through two or three small pueblitos with children playing in the parks, an abandoned hacienda crumbling slowly in the sun and big trees spreading their verdant shade over the little town centros. The little tiny town of Yunku looks half asleep as you drive through to its namesake hacienda.
Though it was a hot day in Merida, at Yunku it was cool and breezy. Our friends were already there, lounging in the hammocks and sitting by the pool, so we wasted no time in joining them. We swam, we drank fresh limonada made from limones picked that morning from the trees, and we watched the dogs play.
A little while later, we pulled out a lunch of leftovers from the night before, a few cold Superior beers, and a freshly made caprese salad and enjoyed a late lunch on the patio. While we were eating, a storm blew in, rustling all the palm trees and kicking up leaves. We sat and watched the rain pour down around us. Working Gringa was reminded of the Mexican proverb from a great book we read awhile ago, which we highly recommend, Folk Wisdom of Mexico: Que bonito es ver llover y no mojarse. Translation: How beautiful to watch the rain and not get wet!
When the rain was over, so was the afternoon and it was time to head back to town. The dogs were dog-tired, and the humans were pleasantly relaxed and refreshed. The Yucatan had worked its magic one more time.
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Josée 11 years ago
Hacienda Yunku… a place where Mexico and the cenote come together inside of us in this peaceful environment. We have been here for a few days and had to rearrange our schedule in order to benefit even more of this hidden paradise. Our hosts have been more than welcoming, the food and the service warm and rich, the rooms spacious, luxurious enough, very comfortable, and the site, breath taking. Yoga in the morning, dip in the pool, walk on the land, the perfect place to take a pause and nourish inner peace so the connection between our own beauty and the beauty of the place becomes a bridge to whatever wants to emerge.
Warm regards and many thanks again.
Working Gringos 18 years ago
You can contact the gentleman who fancies himself "one of the best cooks in Merida" through his website
Have a wonderful holiday!
Lacorsa 18 years ago
We will be staying at Hacienda Yunku for Christmas - and would love to know who "one of the best cooks in Merida" is and if he/she would be interesting in cooking a few meals for us at the Hacienda OR preparing "leftovers" in Merida that we could pick up!
Can't wait to have a relaxing week like the day you described.
Working Gringos 19 years ago
Oh dear, oh dear. Did I neglect to say they were DELICIOUS leftovers? Mea culpa....they were not your normal leftovers. They were gourmet leftovers. Are we okay now? :-)
Anonymous 19 years ago
nice photo!
The Hermit of Santa Isabel 19 years ago
Leftovers??? Indeed. It was an astonishingly succulent tenderloin of pork that was grilled to perfection the night before by one of the best cooks in Merida! And then a ratatouille that was lovingly prepared the hermit! and the beer was little sol's that are only 190ml. Perfect for a hot day! Leftovers!!!
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