LIVING / Merida Restaurant Listing

Merida Restaurant Listing


Merida Restaurant Listing

7 December 2009 LIVING 0

Even after all the years we've lived here, we still sit around some nights wondering where to eat. Or we know where we want to eat, but we don't know if it's open on Monday night. Or what time it closes. We were finally spurred into doing something about it by one of our readers, José Bosoms, who very generously gave us the information for many of the restaurants in the list. (Thanks, José!)

So en verdad, we are creating this restaurant listing for ourselves. These are NOT paid announcements. The restaurants have not been consulted. This list will consist of every restaurant you or we can think of. We hope that the list will be a living thing... that it will grow with time. We encourage comments from you, our readers, as well as suggestions for new restaurants to put on the list. If the directions are missing, and you know them, put them in a Comment. If you have an opinion, or a link to an article somewhere else about that restaurant, put it in a Comment. As with any living thing, in order to grow, it needs to be nurtured.

Let's nurture this list to make it THE definitive list for restaurants in Merida and the Yucatan Coast. Comment on the restaurants you enjoyed, and give us constructive, polite criticism about the restaurants that weren't quite up to snuff.

And please send us suggestions for restaurants that are not on the list (and they are legion...) to When you send a suggestion, it would be helpful to include as much information as you can, including directions on how to get there. Yucatecan-style directions preferred (you know, turn left at the police station, then right at the house with the Christmas lights...). We'll take street names and numbers too, if you insist.

You can find the restaurant listing anytime by clicking on the topic entitled "Merida Restaurants". We may still do a review (under the Reviews topic) as the spirit moves us, but the Merida Restaurant Listings are where you will find reviews from all our readers... a valuable resource that will grow and grow!


Merida Restaurant Listings



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