LIVING / Classes and Cultural Centers

Classes and Cultural Centers

A beautiful face carved from a tree downed in Hurricane Isidore in 2002

Classes and Cultural Centers

22 August 2014 LIVING 5

The following are classes that we have been told about, but schedules change, so please check with the business to confirm the dates and times!

Fitness and Dance

Dance Classes at Expresion Libredanza
For More information, call Raul (999) 997-3251 or Anny (999) 125-0466 English speaking
Salsa Classes: Monday & Wednesday: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM: $300 MXP per month
Tango Classes: Tue., Th., & Fri.: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM and 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: Expresion Libredanza, Calle 21 # 100 x 18 y 20, Chuburna
Admission: Salsa: $300 MXP per month, Tango: $450 MXP per month

Yoga and Belly Dancing at Centro Viyra
Yoga Classes with the Kundalini or Iyengar method. Arabian dancing for students of any age who want to connect with their sensuality and femininity.
Yoga Classes
Monday and Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 10:15 AM and 7:00 PM to 8:30 P.M.
Tuesday and Thursday : 6:45 PM to 8:00 P.M.
Special Workshop: Saturday: 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.
Yoga for Pregnancy: Monday: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Yoga for Everybody
Every Monday Wednesday and Friday
Instructor: Raul Novelo
Requirements: Yoga mat and comfortable clothes
Location: LA 68 Casa de la Cultura Elena Poniatowska, Calle 68 #470-A x 55 y 57, Santiago, Centro
Time: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
Admission: $35 pesos general, $20 pesos students
More information: 924-9540 or at

Belly Dance Classes
Beginners Saturday: 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM and 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM
Location: Calle 20 # 101 x 21 y 25. Itzimná. For the park of Itzimná
For More Information: Call Alejandra Cruz 9991-27-98-10

Yoga Classes
This lovely colonial home in the Centro has regular yoga classes, as well as a small giftshop and a garden for deep breathing after class.
Location: Calle 15 # 210 x 24 y 26 in Garcia Gineres
Admission: Call 920-5361 for information
Call: Claudia Guerrero: 920-5361 for more information

Other Classes

Dog Training
Now available to all pet owners and available in English. The dog training programs are offered through K9 Edu (9999-56-97-81) for a minimal charge. Part of the proceeds are donated to Evolucion to help with the care and feeding of its 150 plus canine and feline residents. Call Mario Forestieri at K9 Edu for rates. The Sunday group classes cover the basics of dog handling, from, wearing a leash and collar, to walking with a leash, correcting basic behavioral problems, and basic obedience.
Location: Evolución Animal Shelter
Time: Three 1-hour sessions: 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 1:00 PM, Sundays
Cost: $40 pesos each, by reservation only due to limited space in each class

There are various cultural centers and schools that offer classes that may be of interest to our readers. The schedules are more than we can reproduce here. Instead, we will provide the websites where the schedules can be found, with brief explanations of the offerings.

Maya Language Schools - There are three official Maya Language schools in Merida and one in Felipe Carrillo Puerto in Quintana Roo. This page provides the names and addresses of each school with a brief description. These schools teach classes in schedules that only accept students at the beginning of the semester. We suggest that you visit the school you are interested in attending to determine the best schedule for you.

Merida Cultural Centers - Merida also has six cultural centers, many of which hold classes in everything from art to tai chi, dance, folklore, guitar, aerobics and more. From the linked page, click on "Centros Culturales". The six centers each have their own page, with contact information. Again, we suggest that you visit the center to learn about their latest schedule of classes and to enroll in a class that interests you.

The Ayuntamiento also has cultural center where they teach classes such as bakery, beauty, sewing, handcrafts and more. They have many options for children. Classes usually starts as school begins, so look for more information here:


If you know of another ongoing class that you think our readers would be interested in, please send the information to or add it in a Comment below. Thank you!

For information on This Week's One-Time Events in Merida
please check our Weekly Events Calendar


  • Nicholas Di Bona 8 years ago

    I am a certfied master in Tai Chi Chuan and Kung Fu. I am looking for work in Mexico. I teach a fully structured class in each. Please contact me if you require my resume. I am sure i have much to offer your organization. 575- 590-1750
    Sifu Nicholas Di Bona, certified master instructor.

  • Working Gringos 10 years ago

    None in English that we know of. There are most likely classes like that taught in Spanish at various local universities. Also, the Merida English Library has Saturday morning lectures on various subjects. Check it out on their website under Ongoing Programs:

  • Joe McFerran 10 years ago

    Are there other academic classes available, such as Anthropology and Architecture?

    Thanks so much.

  • Working Gringos 11 years ago

    Thank you Paula... we would love to publish more information about these classes. Please email me at with whatever information you have.

  • Paula Hourihan 11 years ago

    Thank you for all the interesting articles and activities you publish.

    Is there any way you could publish the yoga and zumba classes in Progreso and Chicxulub and Chelem? and what about Spanish classes maybe?

    Also, publishing the cultural events that take place in Progreso over the winter months might be a good idea for all the Canadians who spend 4 to 6 months in the Yucatan.

    Paula Hourihan

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