Latino USA

Latino USA

9 August 2015 CULTURE, Mexico in English 0

I can't remember how I first heard about this podcast, but once I found it, I was hooked. I may not be of Mexican or Latin heritage, but in my heart, I'm casi-Yucateca. So this program speaks to me on so many levels.

The podcast is an hour long each week. Hosted by Maria Hinojosa, a very accomplished Latina woman, the show calls on the talents and interests of a rather large staff (for a podcast) to cover a multitude of stories of interest to the Latino community. Since I have discovered Latino USA, I have heard stories about migrant dairy workers in Vermont fighting for basic worker's rights, Marty Castro who is the first Latino to head the US Commission on Civil Rights, the history of Latinos in baseball and why it is so popular in Cuba and other Latin countries, a story on La Malinche, an interview with a young star in the Chilean pop music scene, the story of the Mitla Cafe which inspired Taco Bell ... and so much more. One of my favorite stories is of the first LGBT Mariachi group, called Mariachi Arcoiris de Los Ángeles.

Which brings me to the music played on this show between stories. The music is carefully chosen, and the show has its own Spotify list (linked below)! This is a great way to discover new music from the Latino community.

Living in Mexico tends to give one a wider appreciation for the gifts of the Latin world, and this podcast is an intelligent and consistent way to learn more about that world. Enjoy!

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