/ Starbucks & Others Come to Merida

Starbucks & Others Come to Merida

Starbucks & Others Come to Merida

13 November 2007 News 31

The Sweet Smell of Starbucks

Working Gringos Report: Yep, Starbucks opened their doors in Merida this week, just as we predicted a few months ago. The old Wendy's location at the entrance to the Gran Plaza parking lot has been transformed into a very spacious and efficient Starbucks store with a lovely drive-through window, complete with well-trained order takers. We drove right up and paid the big bucks for our usual coffee drinks, and they tasted just as good as we remembered...better, actually! Because we were drinking them in Merida! Those drinks have joined our idea of "comfort food" and we must admit, those two pricey drinks in those familiar cups made us almost giddy. But a caramel machiatto and a cafe mocha wasn't enough to mark the occasion. We also bought ourselves matching Merida Starbucks cups! Expensive? you bet. But a cup with those two words on it? Priceless! Apparently, our friends at Dropped-In were right behind (or in front of...) us, having a similar experience! Now if we can only figure out a more legitimate reason to drive up to the Gran Plaza every morning...

The State Fair

There's not a lot of news this week because all eyes are on the State Fair. Working Gringos hope to get to the fair this week...for the first time ever! So stay tuned this week and next for news from the State Fair in Yucatan!

Numbers of Extranjeros Growing

INM (Institute of National Migration) reports that they handled 3,817 requests to remain in Yucatan for a total of 4,131 extranjeros between Jan. 1 and Sept. 30, 2007. They had, at one time, reported as many as 500 applications per month and are, evidently, approving more than 400 a month. The tone of the report is quite tolerant, implying that all the extranjeros seem to want to do is extend their stays indefinitely so they will have time to decide if Merida is the place in which they want to settle. What we find interesting is those extra 314 people in the report. If there were 3,817 requests to remain in the country, and if this benefited 4,131 extranjeros, then maybe that means our population of children is growing at the tidy little clip of about 35 per month. That seems like a lot of kids. But if it's true, what a wonderful experience they have ahead of them!

The Black Christ of Sitilpech

Cristo Negro (the black Christ) is the patron saint of laborers and is highly revered in both the Mestizo and Mayan populations of Yucatán. Every year, on the morning of October 18, the Catholics of Izamal walk 4 km to the small pueblo of Sitilpech, which is the home of Cristo Negro. There is then a procession which brings Cristo Negro to Izamal, where he is installed in the convent for approximately one month. At the end of that time, which was this past week, the procession is in the other direction. The citizens who worship the Cristo Negro go out to meet the statue on the outskirts of Sitilpech and joyfully bring him home. This year, there were 8,000 Catholics waiting to bring Cristo Negro back to join the Virgin Mary in Sitilpech. Mark your 2008 calendars for this festival next year!


It seems that there is a statue of Ricardo Palmerín in Tekax and the statue has quite a nice size concrete base. The citizens are in an uproar because some people have been using the base of the statue as a local bulletin board by sticking all manner of little signs and posters on it. This week, matters got worse… It seems that some malvivientes have taken to painting graffiti on the base of the statue. Our sympathy is with the citizens who do not want to see their monument defaced, but we have to admit that we just love that word… malvivientes … (loosely translated: lowlifes). And the Working Gringos want to add that they actually love well-executed graffiti too...

Old Folks Dance in Tekax

Well – its official – the elderly folks in Tekax have, at least temporarily, given up the concept by which old folks have been formally defined for generations. This past weekend, they took up dancing the jarana in the municipal plaza. They are making all kinds of noise about joy and life… and even have their own club now, named “Color and Hope.” To add to their statement of their new identity, they even had some friends over for the day, another senior citizens' club, The Club of the Older Adults of Dzemul. What a joy to see the older Yucatecos having just plain fun – while leaving that “old folks” image far far behind. Yucatan Living wishes them all the best.

Traveling in the Southern Part of the State

If you decide to have an adventure, and head off for the southern part of the state, please be very careful. Many of the outlying towns and villages have been completely cut off due to road erosion following heavy rains that just don't seem to want to quit. This is not to say that you shouldn't head south, just try to stay on the main roads that go to major cities. Save that exploring trip for the dry season.


In recent months, Motul has put on a new face and is rapidly becoming a destination for those who are looking for a little less traffic, a little easier drive to a little less crowded beaches, but within minutes of the city of Merida and all that it still has to offer. Motul has good schools, its own newspaper, and is moving forward with all deliberate speed. There, you'll find country living near the city and even the beginnings of horse country. If you are a history buff, Motul was the birthplace of Governor Felipe Carrillo Puerto, also known as the Apostle of the Indians and the Red Dragon with the Eyes of Jade. He was murdered in 1924, but leaves a rich legacy behind that still exists today. Last time we were in Motul, we bought some great live plants from a few Mayan ladies selling them on the street. We walked through a lively mercado, sat in the equally well-attended central square and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Yucatan has something for everyone, so do visit Motul before you make the final decision of where to live.

Please Remember Tabasco

Many of the people in Tabasco are still in shelters in other states, but even more have gone home, rolled up their sleeves, and started the hard, physical labor of rebuilding their lives. We know that, as extranjeros, we are not supposed to become involved in politics, but we do not know the Governor of Tabasco, nor do we even know his political party. What we do know is that, during the floods, he was on the levee with a shovel, working side by side with the people in an effort to save Villahermosa. Today, he is still in his shirt sleeves, working with the people to rebuild the State of Tabasco. Many have commented that this is the first governor they have ever seen who would do such a thing. We suggest that other politicians, throughout the world, take a page out of this man's book and pick up a shovel for the sole purpose of helping their people until the job is done, and not simply for the photo-op. In the meantime, the people of Tabasco are still in need of many basic supplies and of money. We are assured that the aid that has been sent by all organizations has been combined and then given out to the people so that equity could be preserved. You can see more on this tragedy on the website of Estado de Tabasco. And of course, if you want to help or send money, you can find out more on our article about the Tabasco flooding. We want to thank the many people who have sent money for the Tabasco victims through Yucatan Living, and encourage any others to please be generous.


  • barry peters 16 years ago

    Read up on how Starbucks do business and you´ll better understand the implications for local competitors.

    For example, anyone notice their choice of second and third locations in Playa? One is a few doors from Cafe Sasta, the other a few doors from Cafe Corazon.

    Coincidence? Of course not. Starbucks is a very aggressive corporation. Sometimes they open two shops near an established coffee shop so as to make their business marginal. Over time local operators go out of business and a town sees less choice not more.

  • vincent 'alamo' 16 years ago

    m moguel,

    starbuck's is immensely popular and the coffee is far superior to MCD. You really have to know a bit about coffee and the process. I now only grind and french press my starbuck's espresso roast daily. As an Italian-American coffee is an essential part of our heritage and family comraderie..lol... I will agree, that MCD looks like a good trade now. And the chart is fantastic...i would be a buyer of MCD here with a stop at the 50day moving average..SBUX has also offered a great trade and i see a cup and handle pattern on the daily...i think they both make for good trades. I must be upfront I am an independent trader and also am involved with a newsletter for traders. I am currently searching for a property in Merida and will be offering a trading boot camp or trading lessons to show people how to empower themselves thru trading...I will be inviting U.S. clients, but with so many ex-pats in Merida this may work well here too...what i do is not investing...long gone are the days of holding stocks for decades like my grandparent's did. I speak spanish and will be married to a woman from GDL within the next year. Ive travelled thru much of Mexico and have been involved in helping some remote mayan villages post-hurricane troubles of a few years ago. I will be arriving in Merida Tuesday to continue my search for a property.

  • M. Moguel 16 years ago

    I don't enjoy Starbucks because (I believe) people just drink there to look "cool" and show off, "Look at me enjoying my overpriced coffee, I must be cool and successful."

    The Starbucks Company in the U.S. is doing horrible! Why? Part of the reason is because McDonald's (ticker symbol, MCD) is now offering better tasting coffee (including delicious iced coffee) for a fraction of the price.

    Do the McDonald's in Merida offer Iced Coffee yet?

    *McDonald's is also another great company to invest in.

  • jb05 17 years ago

    oh! i forgot, i really do think it's great that americans and canadians come here and fall in love with merida and all the surrounding cities, but as an insight from a Yucateco, starbucks doesn't have the same quality as in canada, us or even mexico city, it might have the flavour, but the quality just isnt there, and sadly, people here in merida don't go to starbucks because it's "good coffee", they go there for the same reason most yucatecos do things: show off. next time some of you happen to be there look every time someone enters thru the door, the first thing that person/persons will do is look arround to look for someone that might know him/her, OH and god forbid if they're not wearing at least 1 designer brand clothing or sunglasses or something else, because what would people say about that..

    so to sum up, starbucks and big franchises is not a real problem here, because with or without them, the real issue is the way people think and act, the way gossip is perfectly acceptable and even necesary.. anyways.. go to EL HOYO (downtown on 62nd street)

    ps. the mug they made (the one you show at the top) it's the most horrible mug i'd ever seen, there's no design to it, it's.. it's.. it almost makes me puke every time i see it.

  • jb05 17 years ago

    joseph.. taco BELL isn't the same as taco INN, el fogoncito used to be taco INN and went broke after several succesful years and it wasn't because of the kind of food they used to serve (that wasn't mexican-american food by the way, it was mexican all the way) it went broke due to sanitation issues.

  • Elsie 17 years ago

    To me it's quite a culture shock to see Yucatecos paying 40 pesos for a cup of coffee. More than most people here pay for an entire days worth of food. Two or three cups is more than many make in a day. Just to put it in perspective.

  • kathy 17 years ago

    I totally agree with Jackie. Although I do appreicate "el cafe de la olla"; it will be nice to run into a starbucks and enjoy a double tall non fat latte.

  • Jackie 17 years ago

    Starbucks is comforting for Americans when traveling abroad...and It's nice to have a cup of Joe we so enjoy while visitng new places.

  • Jackie 17 years ago

    Yes it's ture that we 2nd generation Yucateco Americanos love to visit our authentic Yucatan, with it's papzules, salbutes and crystal negras...but come on? we have to Admitt..Starbucks in Merida is SO COOL !!! hope they have soy latte ...TOO COOL!!!


    @Steve - Carol doesn't live near Hank Hill. But, I do. lol :-) The fictional cartoon is based in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas. You would love Texas Steve. Like I said, it has the best of both worlds and cultures. The Mexican culture is from both the Mexicanos who are coming here and the TexMex's or Tejanos of Mexican decent. I invite you to visit the Lone Star State. I'm afraid though if you seek Yucateco food, you must visit Houston. The DFW area has no Yucateco resturants :-( . We do have a resturant that make Salvadorian tamales (maya) and tamales from Oaxaca. I will be in Merida January 23-27. If any one of you from Merida know a good place to stay 5 days for $100.00 usd or less, let me know. ;-)

  • Joseph 17 years ago

    Oh and yes, I'm pretty sure those are mating noises... those naughty birds should be put in jail 8-)

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